Friday, September 14, 2007
Is God Fair?
The Son of Sam killer (David Berkowitz) supposedly became saved in prison and has been exhibiting very good behavior. It is entirely possible that ol' Dave Berkowitz may join us in heaven with the Father, while his victims rot in hell. Unfair?
The person, who posted the above, answered it with:
yeah, a little.. unjust? no. Why? Because God can do whatever he wants. He's God.
I was not happy with this answer. It leaves the reader with the impression that God is not fair and that the only reason that God is just is because He makes up the rules and He can bend the rules anyway He likes to accommodate His whim.
This perspective runs counter to the Christian faith. The Christian doctrine is emphatic about the absolutism of God's standard.
The absolutism of God's standard is why there is the necessity of grace.
It is wrong to sin and the penalty of sin is death. But all of us sin. Because God loves us and doesn't want us to perish, He can either change His mind and say, it is no longer wrong to sin (change His standard) or He can give forgiveness to whoever sins and accepts His forgiveness (absolutism of His standard and grace).
God chose to maintain the absolutism of His standard and dispense grace by sending His Son, Jesus the Christ, to die, in our stead, for our sin.
So, how can God saving Berkowitz while condemning his victims (who did not accept God's forgivenes) be fair?
Jesus answered the question of fairness in the "Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard" (Mathew 20:1-15) in which the landowner goes out and hires workers with the promise to pay a denarius for the day. He hired workers at the beginning of the day and continues to hire workers throughout the day. At the end of the day, everyone was paid a denarius. When questioned about the fairness of the same wage for a disparate amount of work, the owner answered:
"Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?"
In the case of the Lord dispensing grace, the agreement is that the Lord promised forgiveness to anyone who asks. It does not matter if someone "sinned greater" than others. If the Lord fulfills His promise, He is both just and fair. If someone is forgiven more than others, the Lord is being just, fair, and generous.
What would be unfair is if God saves someone who did not repent and/or did not ask for forgiveness.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Categorizing Churches
Do denominations really make that much of a difference? Within the Catholic church, there's a wide array of local parishes that worship as differently as night and day. We can say the same for many of the Protestant denominations like the United Methodist, Presbyterians, Baptists, etc.
I have a theory:
The real distinctions between local parishes/congregations, irregardless of denomination, is that they can be categorized into one of three different groups: fundamentalist, evangelical, and charismatic.
Fundamentalists focus on adhering to the fundamentals of the faith: the inerrancy of the Bible, Sola Scriptura, the virgin birth of Christ, the doctrine of substitutionary atonement, the bodily resurrection of Jesus, and the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Basically, it's yielding to the call of the Father to pursue holiness.
Evangelicals focus on completing the Great Commission that Jesus commanded the disciples before His ascension.
Charismatics focus on the being moved by the Holy Spirit.
It's really a focus on the call of one of the three God Head.
Of course, no local parish/congregation is completely Fundamentalist or completely Evangelical or completely Charismatic.
It's more of a spectrum within a triangle in which each corner of the triangle represents one of the far end of spectrum: Fundamentalist, Evangelical, and Charismatic. And each local parish/congregation falls somewhere within the triangle.
A well balanced parish/congregation would fall smack in the middle of the triangle.
It's just a theory. I don't have any Biblical reference to back it up.