Here is his post:
Posted: Jun 4, 2006 11:05 PM
I have been struggling with somthing.... well some things. I find my self imbarassed to call myself a Christian. Its Because we are so Cheesey! I CANNOT DENY CHRIST... However...
..1) Christians send wrong messages. The other day I was at church and there was this potition goin around to "HELP SAVE MARAGES!! THIS IS WHAT GOD WANTS!!" In general... Christians send the message that Gay people are going to hell... instead of sending the message that Christ Died for Gay people and loves them unconditionaly.
..2) The other day I was in the park on a motor cycle charity ride for a pregnancy center. The MC got on stage and said "Give me a J!!!! Give me an E!!!! So on and so forth.... then he shouts "Who's That spell??!!""" Whos that Spell!!!??" At that moment .... I became sick to my stomach. I was soooo embarrassed to be in the park. I AM NOT ASHAMED OF CHRIST.... But at that moment... I was Ashamed to be in the park and associate myself with "CHEESEY CHRISTIANS." Then I started to notice somthing else... I started to listen to Conversations that people were having... and They were using CHEESEY CHRISTIAN Language... I realized that when your at church... surrounded by christians... you hear them... us...use phrases you wont hear in every day conversation.
Ever since then... I have been embarrassed of how Christians.
..3) I am also embarrassed to be a christain because my actions don't follow my words... I have become this luke warm christian. I cannot deny Christ, I can say that I know Christ... I can say that I believe in Christ, I can say that I want to be like Christ... But I cannot say that I follow Christ...
Thank you, Brian (Your A Daisy If You Do), for starting this thread of discussion on this forum. I agree w/ you that we do need to re-evaluate the state of the Church in America. Have we become sleepwalking believers who worship with their autopilot turned on?
We've expended too much resources on form rather than on substance. We've spent too much time concerning over the size of the fellowship rather than over the depth of their maturity. And our minds are more familiar with "Christian phrases" (and lyrics of contemporary Christian music) than with a deep life-transforming understanding of Biblical text.
You hit the nail right on the head when you pointed out, "Christians send the message that Gay people are going to hell... instead of sending the message that Christ Died for Gay people and loves them unconditionally."
Whatever happened to "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"? And "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
What happened? We've spent too much time and effort on our solution (political campaigns and lobbying effort) and not enough on God's solution (love and discipleship).
My favorite Christian quote is by St. Francis of Assisi: "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."
To paraphrase: Don't just say "Jesus loves you", show it and use words as a last resort.
Your generation of believers has been willing to point out the naked emperor and I constantly thank God for you.
Brian, I also thank you for admitting, "I am also embarrassed to be a Christian because my actions don't follow my words... I have become this lukewarm Christian. I cannot deny Christ, I can say that I know Christ... I can say that I believe in Christ, I can say that I want to be like Christ... But I cannot say that I follow Christ..."
These are the words of a true believer who understands what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and yet knows the struggle of being a work in progress.
I do, however, would like to leave you with these thoughts.
- You receive your identity from Christ and Christ alone. What other believers do does not matter as long as the world sees Christ when they see you. [col 1:25] "To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."
- Christ will protect your reputation when you are obedient to His call. [James 4:10] "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."
- Don't be afraid to identify yourself as Christian because you are still dealing with sin in your life and would not be a good witness. It is not your effort that convicts a sinners heart and causes him or her to repent. It is the Spirit of God. You are simply a vessel which carries the Spirit and introduces the non-believer to Jesus. [1 John 5:9] "We accept man's testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son."
I love you, brother, for your heart of true discipleship.
May the Lord bless you and build you up to full maturity in Christ.
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