I was watching the "Tonight Show" with Jay Leno on Thanksgiving night and Jay was doing his "Ask the Man on the Street" thing. That night, he was asking questions like "Where did the Pilgrims sailed from?" And people were giving answers like: Canada and Peru.
It made me think. Since the average American knows so little about what's in the Bible, it would be a hoot if someone would do an "Ask the Man on the Street" thing about stuff in the Bible. In fact, we can even make them multiple choice questions like:
- What did Jesus turn into wine?
- Gatorade
- water with which people used to wash their feet
- grape juice
- a mixture of all of the above
- none of the above (must specify an alternate answer)
- How did Jesus feed five thousand men and their families?
- Jesus called a catering service.
- Peter knew some people...
- Some kid gave Jesus his fish and bread dinner.
- all of the above
- none of the above (must specify an alternate answer)
- What happened when the Apostle Paul preached a sermon that was so long that people were falling asleep?
- A kid, after falling asleep, fell out of a window and died; but Paul resurrected him and kept on preaching.
- Members of the congregation started speaking in tongues to keep themselves awake.
- Hundreds saw visions of the resurrected Christ after falling asleep and couldn't figure out if Christ actually appeared before them or if they were just having a dream.
- all of the above
- none of the above (must specify an alternate answer)
- What did the Israelites do as Joshua led them across the Jordan River?
- They taunted their enemies with cries of "Allah Akbar (God is Great)".
- They started a rock collection with the rocks they found on river bed after the Ark dried up the river.
- They gathered fishes for a feast that they would have once they got to the other side.
- all of the above
- none of the above (must specify an alternate answer)
- Why did Jacob have two wives?
- Since Jacob's future father-in-law was afraid that his ugly older daughter would become a spinster, he made Jacob marry the ugly older daughter before Jacob can marry the hot younger daughter.
- Jacob needed the extra dowry money to buy the farm.
- Jacob couldn't decide between the two women.
- all of the above
- none of the above (must specify an alternate answer)
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