Monday, January 1, 2007

Brainwashed by the Church?

Recently, I encountered a post in one of the Christian forums that infuriated me so much that my first reaction was to lash out at the person who posted it and point out how stupid he is. But I decided to take a breath before I post a response.

The post asserted that Christians become Christians through environments that are orchestrated to entrap non-believers' mind and keep them in the faith through isolation from the secular world. Here is the contents of the post:


The Use of Fear to Convert and Trap

Many psychologist and other social scientists state that the mind is most susceptible to brainwashing during or after it has experienced shock, trauma or an intense state of fear. Knowing this fact, Christian leaders use fear during the process of brainwashing in order to convert or retain Christians within the religion.

Anyone who has been to a revival meeting can tell you how terrifying of an experience it can be, especially during the beginning phases of the preaching. Revivalist preachers usually begin their sermon giving the listening audience horrifying descriptions of hell, the devil and Armageddon. They will tell the audience stories about people who heard the gospel, decided to wait for a later time to accept Christ as their savior and then unexpectedly died shortly after hearing the good news and are now spending an eternity in hell. Preachers will tell tales of demon possessions, disturbing visions of the future and rule of the Antichrist. They will tell you anything to put you into a state of fear.

Preachers who use fear know that when the mind enters an intense state of fear, it will naturally seek relief or rescue from the state. Being in a constant state of fear is too much for the mind to handle, so it will naturally look for a way out of the state. The preacher that created the state of fear knows this and he will cleverly provide your mind with the escape it desires.
After about an hour of "fire and brimstone preaching" and filling the audience with fear, the preacher will switch gears and start preaching about the love of God and how God sent Jesus to rescue the world from sin and hell. By switching gears like this, the preacher is giving your mind, which overwhelmed with fear what it needs, an escape. The mind needs some relief from fear and it certainly doesn't want to go home like this, so it tells you to accept relief the preacher is offering you. When you accept Christ out of fear, the preacher's job is complete because he has set you up to live through a horrible pattern that keeps you coming back to him whenever fear takes over you. Whenever you return to church in a state of fear, you will be susceptible for further manipulation and brainwashing.

It is important to realize that if the preacher doesn't scare the audience with threats of an eternity in hell; few people in the audience would actually convert. And even if they do convert, they are less likely to come back for more preaching. If the preacher just told the audience about the love of God and never mentioned the alternative to going to heaven, hell, many people would put off following God until later in life. This is unacceptable to the preacher who wants control of believer now.

Isolation: Creating the "Christian against the World" Mentality

It is not long after the conversion of a new Christian that an important concept is impressed upon him or her. That concept is, "You are physically in this world but you are not of it." (John 16:17 NIV, Bible Gateway, 2006) The Christian is taught that the world is the enemy of Christ and his church because Satan influences it. Anyone who has not accepted Jesus into his or her heart is controlled by sin and is therefore dangerous to be around. The Christian is taught that, "Anyone who is not for Christ is against Him." Learning and accepting these extreme views are another step in the brainwashing process, which is isolation.

Isolation and convincing an individual that everyone, except the group he is being indoctrinated into, is against him is a well know brainwashing technique. Any knowledgeable social scientist will tell you that isolation is probably the most important step in the brainwashing process. Like most of the conversion techniques Christian leaders use, many brainwashers throughout history and today have used the isolation technique. Isolation was used to convert prisoners of war to Communism in concentration camps in China, by Hitler to persuade the Germans to go to war and commit inhumane acts and by almost every cult in existence.

Overtime, the new Christian victim is taught that they are only truly safe from the seduction of the devil within the church or among other Christians. New converts are also taught that God gave them a new mind when they accepted Jesus as their savior and that nonbelievers will have trouble understanding them because of that. Therefore, new converts should not be surprised if family and friends rejects their newfound faith because their mind is still controlled by the wisdom of the world and not God. Telling a new Christian this makes them highly sensitive to anyone who questions or criticizes their new belief, even if it is a valid criticism.

These concepts and methods are designed to increase the separation between the new convert and non-believing friends and family. The goal is for the current relationships that new Christian has with non-believing friends and family to be eventually replaced by members in the church who will slowly become their new "family in the Lord."

Isolating Christians from non-Christians is a method that is used to gain influence over new converts by eliminating the competition for their mind. By separating the convert from their family and friends there is little chance that someone will have the opportunity to be the voice of reason in their life to sway them away from Christianity.

The isolation of the Christian is further achieved by labeling common activities and conversations that nonbelievers take part in as sins. It is a sin for the Christian to enjoy non-Christian or secular music, go out for a night of drinks and dancing, talk about sex, and tell dirty jokes and to watch R rated movies. Labeling such trivial and common activities as sin makes spending time with nonbelievers complicated and awkward for the Christian. Overtime it becomes more convenient for the Christian to socialize exclusively other Christians who share the same values.

The Idle Mind is the Manipulators Workshop

"The idle mind is the Devil's workshop" is a popular phrase quoted by Christians. The notion behind this statement is that if one does not keep busy, the Devil will have an opportunity to tempt that person to sin or to stray away from God.

Christians are encouraged to avoid having an idle mind by keeping themselves busy with work, attending church, reading the bible, praying and worshipping God and doing Godly works by volunteering in church.

Preventing one's mind from being idle is actually another brainwashing technique. The reason why keeping a new convert busy is a brainwashing technique is because the mind is never actually idle. A healthy mind when not occupied with work or otherwise distracted is constantly thinking, reflecting and questioning. What the Christian leader is trying to avoid by keeping his congregation busy is allowing the believer to have the opportunity to think and question what they are being taught and programmed to believe by their church leaders.

Anyone who attends a new believer or new convert class will pick up on the effort to keep new Christian busy with things related to Christianity. New converts are strongly encouraged to attend church several times a week, spend hours studying the bible and to attend church functions. This is all done as part of an effort to overload mind the new believer with as much Christian propaganda and doctrine as possible while at the same time keeping them away from any information that questions Christianity.

The Small Details of Brainwashing

Along with the tools already mentioned in this manifesto there are many other brainwashing techniques that are used by Christian leaders. All of the techniques are too numerous to mention some of the most noticeable ones are: Creating a hypnotic environment with walls painting in soft and relaxing colors, using dim lighting and playing repetitive music; Tiring the mind and body by having hard wood seats in churches, giving extremely long sermons and suggesting that believers fast; and creating feelings of excitement by changing the tones and pace of the voice of the preacher. All of the above techniques are used for varying reasons but are all brainwashing and hypnotic techniques that can be researched and have been used for many years.

Here is my response:

I am a Christian and has never attended a revival nor was I ever isolated from the secular world by the Church (much less give the Church opportunity to "brainwash" me).

As a child and as a young man, I had viewed Christianity with distain, as a religion for the weak minded who need a mental crutch to prop up their guilt. I embraced the secular world and enjoyed what it offered.

It was not until my junior year in college when I accepted Jesus the Christ as my Lord and Savior. It was not due to someone convincing me of the Gospel (I would have scoffed at that). I accepted because, one night, when I was by myself, I had a personal encounter with the Creator and Lord of the universe.

OK, I didn't accepted Him as my Lord right away. I thought it would be nice to have an insurance policy against going to hell (if it actually existed), not to mention having its premium completely paid by the Almighty Creator (if it is indeed Him that is calling), but I was not willing to submit myself to the will of anyone else (including the Almighty Creator). My desire was to hold on to the treasures and pleasures of this world. And frankly speaking, I did not have any remorse for anything that I did in my young life. (After all, I didn't commit murder, sleep with someone else's wife, or rob a bank.)

But, He continued to call me, night after night. And each day, He made the treasures and pleasures of the world less enticing. The sexy hot girls no longer looked sexy and hot but sleazy and revolting. The thrills of college night life was no longer thrilling but mindless and boring (not to mention the headache inducing monotonic beat of the dance music). Each night, the serenity of His call became more desirable than the call of this world.

So, without a lick of knowledge about the Gospel (much less the rest of the Bible) I gave my life to my Lord, Jesus the Christ who called me. I gave Him my life without knowing what it meant; I simply said to Him, "Whatever you want from me, it's Yours."

Why? Because this life no longer offered me anything meaningful.

Afterward, Jesus led me to a Christian fellowship where I finally heard the Gospel for the first time.

And guess what? There I learned about the Great Commission:

Matthew 28:19
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them to the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Yes, immediately after joining the Christian fellowship, they pushed me out the door to engage with the world.

From that turning point in my life, I've traveled up and down the east and west coast of the U.S., to Mexico, to Europe, to Turkey, and to Central Asia. And boy, did the world offer a lot more treasures and pleasures than I can imagine. Of course, greater was the pleasure of allowing the Almighty to use me in the lives of broken people around the world. Ok, no, He didn't use me, it was all Him (the incredible miracles that He performed); I was just there for the ride.

As a witness for my Lord Jesus the Christ, I can assure you that I did not become a believer because I was manipulated by men to believe; I was called by the Creator and Lord of the Universe to follow His call.

As a witness for my Lord Jesus the Christ, I can assure you that it was not the avoidance of idle mind that kept me from straying from the faith; it was in these times of solitude in which my Lord and Savior met me where I am.

As a witness for my Lord Jesus the Christ, I can assure you that I do not stay in the faith because I was isolated from the secular world by the Church; I was called to travel the globe and engage the secular world through which I saw the glories of His miracles which build my desire for His presence in my life. (There's nothing like being rescued by the Lord from a third world jail in a Muslim country, for the cause of the Gospel, to strengthen you faith in the love and power of the Almighty.)

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