The guy turned out to be a homeless guy that I had helped some time last year. Although I haven't seen him since that time, I've often think of him, wondering if he's ok.
Too often, homeless people would either die from exposure or from being hit by a passing car or from being attacked by mischievous teens. And often, their death would occur without any notice from society. So, after not seeing this guy for all this time, I had feared the worst and hoped that we would at least meet again in heaven.
This morning, the homeless guy, that I had been worrying about, stood before me alive and doing well. (And he's got himself a little blue scooter.) But this time, it's him helping me and not the other way around.
I don't know how to explain it but it was a perfect moment. The phone that I had lost and not even aware was lost is returned. The man that I had feared dead is alive. And he is no longer indebt to me for my kindness; this morning, the exchange of kindness is complete.
That moment was like a glimpse of heaven.
Wow. I love that. Thanks for sharing.
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