Saturday, January 7, 2017

Origin of Race within the Human Species

In an online discussion following a post made by my friend, Michael, someone asked:

Hmmmm... I wonder who created the races! LOL

Although, he posted in jest, the post made me think hard about the answer.  The following is my answer:

The concept of race is the creation of man. Race is identified by an arbitrary set of physical characteristics: skin tone, straightness of hair, facial features, etc.  One can just as easily define race with a different set of physical characteristics. e.g., purely by height and body fat content.

His response:

Well, man created the "concept." But, who created the differences in human beings that are ultimately used to define race?

My answer:

Our differences are part of the beauty of God's creation. Division based on the differences is the result of man's fallen nature.

One does not fault God for creating a multitude of types of flowers.

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