Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Someone responded to my "Let's examine Hillary Clinton's Experience" Post

Someone responded to my previous post with the following:

Hillary was reelected in NY state with 67%. So she must have done something right for her state. Go ask the people of NY City what she did for the 9/11 victims. GW Bush and Karl Rove deleted millions of emails during an investigation into the firing of US attorneys. Those recycled old party line got us 20 million more people insured, unemployment rate of 5% and a Dow of 18000. And a vibrant auto industry. LMAO.

Since he ended his response with LMAO, I thought I'd offer him something else to laugh his a.. off.

Here is my reply :

Yes, Comrade, the people have spoken and agree with the Party.

In the state of New York, there are 5,792,497 registered Democrat voters and 2731688 registered Republican voters, a total of 8524185 registered voters.

With Democrats consisting of 67.9% of total registered voters and Republican consisting of 32% of total registered voters, and Hillary Clinton (a Democrat)  receiving 67% of the total votes cast, yes, comrade, Hillary Clinton must have been re-elected because she did a fantastic job as a senator and not because the electorate voted along party lines.

And, Yes, comrade, 9/11 legislation and programs were due to the hard work of Hillary Clinton and not because the nation came together in support of the 9/11 victims.

Yes, Comrade, the bad actions of a politician is acceptable when other politicians did the bad actions as well. And yes, comrade, defending Hillary Clinton's deleting of her e-mail messages despite NOT being mentioned in prior discussion is a valid argument for something.

Yes, Comrade, forcing millennials, who are steeped in school loan debt, to buy health insurance, so that the sick and elderly can be covered, is not a new tax on the cash-strapped millennials, many of whom choose to pay the penalty in lieu of paying for premiums they can ill afford.

Yes, Comrade, being able to say that we are now covering 20 million more people with health insurance is a much higher priority than making sure that the deductible is not so high that the insured chooses not to use his/her coverage because he/she can't pay the deductible.

Yes, Comrade, it is a mere technicality that the 5% unemployment rate is due to people dropping out of the job market, and not because they actually found jobs.

Yes, Comrade, the average Joes, who are barely getting by without any substantial rise in their income for a decade, find solace in the rocketing stock prices, allowing fat cat Wall Street traders to continue their extravagant lifestyle after their bungling crashed the market and had to be bailed out.

Finally, yes, Comrade, it is the policies of the current administration that fueled the rise in auto sales and not the fact that most car owners had held on to their car for almost a decade and needed to buy new ones before their old ones died.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Let's examine Hillary Clinton's Experience

Hillary Clinton's supporters cite Hillary's decades of experience as her qualification for the office of the U.S. President.

Hillary Clinton served as First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, 1 1/2 terms as junior Senator from New York, and Secretary of State for President Obama' 1st term.

But what has she accomplished in these 4 posts?

As First Lady of Arkansas, she led a commission to reform public education. Today Arkansas' education system rank #41 in the nation.

As First Lady of the United States, she led a commission to reform the health system in the U.S. The commission's recommendation was so convoluted that no one was able to explain it. Congress on both sides of the aisle rejected it.

As senator, Hillary Clinton sponsored 3 bills that became law:

S.3145 - A bill to designate a portion of United States Route 20A, located in Orchard Park, New York, as the “Timothy J. Russert Highway”.

S.3613 - A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2951 New York Highway 43 in Averill Park, New York, as the “Major George Quamo Post Office Building”.

S.1241 - Kate Mullany National Historic Site Act

Not exactly earth shattering legislation.

As Secretary of state. Hillary Clinton, refused to provide extra security to the Benghazi Embassy when Ambassador Stevens asked repeatedly for it in the weeks leading up to the attack on the embassy, resulting in the death of the ambassador and several others.

For her convenience, Hillary Clinton choose to use unsecured devices to receive and send classified information while abroad. In doing so, she jeopardized the lives of covert agents and collaborators, through whom classified information is acquired, since access to such information is limited and it would be easy for targeted governments or groups to identify the informant.

With Hillary Clinton as President, potential collaborators would be very reluctant to cooperate with us, hampering future intelligence gathering operations.

When confronted about her security violations, she insisted she didn't know that her actions violated U.S. espionage laws. In actuality, everyone with security clearance must be briefed on all security procedures and re-briefed once every year.

As a presidential candidate, she failed to present any new ideas of her own, recycling old party line policies that, after decades, have yet to make meaningful difference in the lives of Americans.

Having that type of experience is worse than having no experience at all. With the latter, at least one can hope for a better outcome.

Should Christians Vote for Donald Trump?

View Fox News Eric Metaxas Interview Video here.

Christian Radio host, Eric Metaxas, argues that if Hillary is elected, the "balance of power" within the U.S. Supreme Court will shift to the liberal side and that a change in the composition of the U.S. Supreme Court would result in a shift in the character of our country. Thus, voting a despicable man into office is a justifiable evil.

This view is shared by many Christian voters who are sticking by Donald Trump.

Have they truly thought this proposition over? Or have they been coasting on "Christian" hot button topics for too long?

This country's character has already shifted. Changing the composition of the U.S. Supreme Court is not going to shift the character of our country back.

Even if Republicans take over the White House, retain majority of Congress, and appoints conservative judges to the U.S. Supreme Court, is that really going to change the character of the country?

Millennials make up a third of the electorate and they lean towards the left. Forcing conservative views on them is just going to push them farther left.

The reason for the shift is due to American Christians not engaging in the lives of non-believers but instead cloistering themselves into "Christian" enclaves. If you are a Christian, ask yourselves this question: How much time in one week have you spent with non-Christian friends? How many non-Christian friends do you have?

Jesus came to write God's law onto hearts, not on tablets of stone.

Writing the law into hearts requires engagement and love, winning hearts, one person at a time.

Jesus walked, talked, and dined with Tax collectors and whores. And through this engagement, He built his church.

If we truly want to affect national morality, each of us need invest our lives in our neighbors, love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Relying on elections to steer our national morality runs counter to the example that Jesus set. Jesus did not come and topple the Roman government.

Yet, the American Church continues to insist on the legistlative approach to turning our country around.

Consider this: American Christians have invested enourmous sums of money and personal energy on "Christian" hot button issues for decades and what is the outcome? Has the Christian world view become more relevant to the average American?

Elections are for electing people who can effectively govern not about steering the national morality.

Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.

Elect the candidate who can best govern and invest our lives to loving the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind and loving our neighbor as ourselves so that their hearts may be opened.