Saturday, December 2, 2006

Addendum and Errata to "Thanksgiving History"

  • For those of you who are interested in getting more detail about my post reference there is an indented history of Puritans and Pilgrims w/ references on one of the web pages at the University of Virginia site:

    This page included the quotes that I posted. (I got my quotes from references that were on paper, however, I am not able to find those references in electronic form on the Web.)

  • In my previous post, I made a slight mistake about Massasoit. His tribe was the Pokanoket tribe and the Pokanoket tribe was part of the Wampanoag Confederacy. I was confused because Massasoit was not only the chief or sachem of the Pokanoket tribe but he was also the Great Sachem of the entire Wampanoag Confederacy.

  • To be fair, Massasoit did agree to peaceful co-existence with the Pilgrims and so theoretically, the Pilgrims could have been thanking him for not attacking them. However, that was not the case. The first Thanksgiving celebration was due to the harvest which the Pilgrims credited to the Lord's provision.

  • The Patuxet tribe, to which Squanto (whose real name is Tisquantum) belonged and was wiped out by a mysterious plague, was also part of the Wampanoag Confederacy. However, because Massasoit did not trust Squanto completely, due to Squanto's closeness with the Pilgrims, Massasoit assigned another native American, Hobamok, to also stay with the Pilgrims (along with Squanto).

  • Also, I failed to mentioned Samoset, the other Native American, who assisted the Pilgrims. (Sorry, Samoset) He, by the way, was a member of the Abenaki sachem tribe that resided at that time in Maine.

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