Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Why Is Homosexuality Wrong?

Someone posted the following in a Christian forum:

Here is a question and if you can answer it with a logical answer other than "because God says so in Leviticus", then I might agree. But why is homosexuality wrong? What makes it so wrong in the eyes of God? Why is it wrong? Why does God say it's wrong?

If you can answer that without saying,
"Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." -Leviticus 18:22

Here's my answer:

Think of the universe as a masterpiece art created by God. Part of this masterpiece is the creation of a man and a woman (a husband and his wife). That relationship was created to represent God's (Jesus') relationship with the church.

Ephesians 5:25-27
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

You'll find that analogy in many other places in the Bible (Old and New Testament), starting with Genesis "Let us make man in our own image." to many of the Psalms to the "Solomon's Song of Songs"... etc.

For man to have homosexual relationships would be a rejection of God's purpose of using the husband/wife relationship as the image of God's relationship with His people.

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