Thursday, June 1, 2006

The Millionaire Among Us Drives A Ford Pinto

Dave is one of the older engineer at my workplace. He looks like your typical suburban middle-class average Joe.

A couple of years ago, I discovered a secret. Dave is a multi-millionaire! Dave, who brings a bag lunch to work; Dave, who wears a pocket protector in the left shirt pocket of his short sleeve shirt; Dave, who looks like he stepped out of one of those 50's science class movies.... is a multi-millionaire!

Evidently, he inherited oodles of cash from some dead relative a long time ago. But he enjoys his job so much that he keeps coming to work.

Today, I discovered the most shocking of his secrets. Dave drives a Ford Pinto! Who drives a Ford Pinto, these days? How many people out there know what a Ford Pinto looks like?

Most amazingly, this baby actually runs.

Dave just smiled, waved good bye, and drove off.

Contentment in life has nothing to do with money.

(p.s., Please, DO NOT tailgate Dave! The gas tanks of Ford Pintos had a notorious reputation of blowing up when rear-ended.)

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